Undergraduate Students
IZTECH Undergraduate Degree Applications
Application conditions and dates for accepting international students to IZTECH 2025-2026 Academic Year Undergraduate programs will be published on this page in the coming months.
You can find the information on the application to 2024-2025 Academic Year International Student Admission to Undergraduate Programs as in stated order below on this webpage.
Application dates, application requirements; exams accepted for applications, application-admission-registration dates, important notice on application-admission-registration, department quotas, required application documents, applicants whose application will/will not be accepted, evaluation of applications, English preparatory class exemption conditions, tuition fees, IZTECH Undergraduate Programs International Student Admission and Education Directive and contact information.
For IZTECH Undergraduate Programs, please visit https://en.iyte.edu.tr/academic/undergraduate-programs/
Candidates who want to study at IZTECH with a scholarship opportunity should visit the Türkiye Scholarships page https://www.turkiyeburslari.gov.tr/
Main Application Period Dates: April 22, 2024 - May 10, 2024
Additional Application Period Dates: August 07-13, 2024
Exams Accepted for Application
* TR-YÖS ( The Exam For Foreign Students For Higher Education in Türkiye): Students who will be accepted from abroad must get at least 300 points from TR-YÖS. The validity period of the TR-YÖS exam is 2 years retrospectively from the application deadline.
* The Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (TRNC) is the priority country for all undergraduate programs. According to IZTECH Undergraduate Programs International Student Admission and Education Directive Article 7, paragraph 1, subparagraph d of the regulation, TRNC citizens* applying will be able to apply with the GCE AL exam. Applicants from TRNC are required to have an A* grade in the GCE AL Mathematics exam. There is no time limit for the validity of the GCE AL exam. (*Those who are TRNC citizens, reside in TRNC and have completed secondary education (high school) in TRNC and have GCE AL exam results, and those who have or will have GCE AL exam results by enrolling and receiving education in colleges and high schools in other countries between 2005-2010.)
* High school diploma is not enough for applying to IZTECH.
When entering the exam score, write your score as it is written in the exam result document. Do not do rounding.
* Additional Period Applications; It is for the quotas left vacant after the application dated April 22 , 2024 – May 10 2024.
- Applications will be made online on the application page on 22 April 2024 – 10 May 2024 (Türkiye time GMT+3).
- The required documents must be uploaded to the system.
- Candidates will be able to choose 3 departments during the application.
- Please click here for the application page. The application page https://ubys.iyte.edu.tr/AIS/ApplicationForms/Home/Index?apptype=3# will be active during the duration of the application period.
2024-2025 Academic Year Calender of International Student Application, Admission and Registration to Undergraduate Programs
International Student Applications to Undergraduate Programs | April 22 – May 10, 2024 |
Announcemet of the List of Main and Substitute Candidates on the website of the International Office (https:uio.iyte.edu.tr/en) | June 06, 2024 |
Document Submission Dates and Tuition Fee Payment for the Main Candidates | July 01-05, 2024 |
1st Call for Substitute Candidates Eligible for Registration | July 11, 2024 |
Document Submission Dates and Tuition Fee Payment for the 1st Substitute Candidates | July 12-19, 2024 |
2nd Call For Substitute Candidates Eligible for Registration | July 25, 2024 |
Document Submission Dates and Tuition Fee Payment for the 2nd Substitute Candidates | July 26-August 1, 2024 |
Additional Application Period to Undergraduate Programs for International Students (For the quotas remaining vacant after the application dated April 22-May 10, 2024.) | August 7-13, 2024 |
Announcement of the List of Candidates Eligible for Registration during the Additional Application Period on the International Relations Office Web Page | August 29, 2024 |
Registration of the main and reserve candidates who are entitled to registration and the candidates who are entitled to registration during the additional application period, by coming in person to the Registrar’s Office with the originals of their registration documents. | September 02-06, 2024 |
The English Proficiency Placement Exam (First Stage) | September 10, 2024 |
The English Proficiency Placement Exam (Second Stage) The second stage exam is for among those who pass the first stage exam. | September 12, 2024 |
- If the main candidates do not submit the registration document and make the tuition fee payment together, the vacant positions are announced for the substitute candidates who have gained the right to
register in the program in the number of remaining quotas. - Accepted candidates and candidates who have gained the right to register among substitute candidates are sent an acceptance letter electronically
Important Information about Application-Admission-Registration
1. It is candidate’s own responsibility to ensure the completeness of the application documents. In case of missing documents, your application will not be evaluated.
2. As a result of the acceptance of international students to our Institute, those who have gained the right to register are required to provide evidence demonstrating that they have sufficient financial means in USD covering 100.000 TL (Turkish Lira) at the registration to continue their education in our country.
3.Candidates who are entitled to register will be announced on August 29, 2024. The ones who are announced must come in person to IZTECH Registrar’s Office with the originals of their registration documents and pay the fall semester tuition fee in between the dates September 02-06, 2024 in order to gain the right to enroll. Candidates who pay the fall semester tuition fee on time but do not submit their registration documents on time lose their right to enroll and the fee they paid is not refunded.
4. Candidates who give up their registration right will not be refunded.
5. Candidates who make false statements or are found to have misled the administration with any action will not be registered. The tuition fees paid by these candidates are not refundable.
6. There will not be enroll substitute candidates during the additional application period.
Architecture Faculty | Architecture | 5 |
| City and Regional Planning | 5 |
| Industrial Design | 5 |
Engineering Faculty | Bioengineering | 5 |
| Civil Engineering | 5 |
| Chemical Engineering | 5 |
| Computer Engineering | 5 |
| Electronics and Communications Engineering | 5 |
| Energy Systems Engineering | 5 |
| Environmental Engineering | 5 |
| Food Engineering | 5 |
| Materials Science and Engineering | 5 |
| Mechanical Engineering | 5 |
Science Faculty | Chemistry | 5 |
| Mathematics | 5 |
| Molecular Biology and Genetics | 5 |
| Photonics | 5 |
| Physics | 5 |
Required Application Documents
The following documents will be uploaded to the system electronically:
1. Exam Required for Application and Validity Period:
- TR-YÖS ( The Exam For Foreign Students For Higher Education in Türkiye): Students who will be accepted from abroad must get at least 300 points from TR-YÖS. The validity period of the TR-YÖS exam is 2 years retrospectively from the application deadline. When entering the exam score, write your score as it is written in the exam result document. Do not do rounding.
- The Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (TRNC) is the priority country for all undergraduate programs. According to IZTECH Undergraduate Programs International Student Admission and Education Directive Article 7, paragraph 1, subparagraph d of the regulation, TRNC citizens* applying will be able to apply with the GCE AL exam. Applicants from TRNC are required to have an A* grade in the GCE AL Mathematics exam. There is no time limit for the validity of the GCE AL exam. (*Those who are TRNC citizens, reside in TRNC and have completed secondary education (high school) in TRNC and have GCE AL exam results, and those who have or will have GCE AL exam results by enrolling and receiving education in colleges and high schools in other countries between 2005-2010.)
2. High school diploma or a document indicating that the student is in the graduation stage. (If the document is not in English or Turkish: For applicants outside of Türkiye: Translation certified by the Foreign Missions of Türkiye, For applicants within Türkiye; Translation made by a sworn translator and approved by notaries.)
3. Photograph
4. Passport
5. Identity Card
6. Transcript (Showing all classes of high school)
7. Provided that those studying at secondary education (high school) institutions in Turkiye have registered before the 2022-2023 academic year and who were Turkish citizens by birth but were granted permission to give up Turkish citizenship by the Ministry of Interior, documents indicating as such. documents indicating as such (Mavi Kart-Blue Card or Certificate of Identity Register Copy obtained from the Civil Registry.
8. “Entry/Exit Document of Country” covering the entire duration of secondary education for applicants those who have completed their secondary education in high schools abroad (excluding TRNC high schools), who are Turkish citizens or holding dual nationality one of them being Turkish.
Candidates whose application to be accepted:
Those who are in their last year of high school or are high school graduates;
- Those who are foreign nationals, (with the condition that those studying in secondary education (high school) institutions in Turkey have registered before the 2022-2023 academic year [excluding foreign nationals brought to our country within the framework of embassy schools, international private educational institutions listed in the MOBIS system, and projects conducted by the Ministry of National Education])
- Applicants who are born Turkish citizens but have lost Turkish citizenship by obtaining permission to renounce it from the Ministry of Interior, and those who have lost Turkish citizenship and can prove that they hold a blue card given upon their request (with the condition that those studying in secondary education (high school) institutions in Turkey have registered before the 2022-2023 academic year) (Article 7 of Law No. 5901 on Turkish Citizenship: “A child born in or outside of Turkey to a Turkish citizen mother or father within the bounds of marriage is a Turkish citizen.”)
- Those who have acquired Turkish citizenship through naturalization after being a foreign national /dual citizens in this situation (with the condition that those studying in secondary education (high school)
institutions in Turkey have registered before the 2022-2023 academic year), - 1) 1) Turkish citizens who attended secondary education abroad before 01.02.2013, completing the last three years of their secondary education (high school) in a foreign country excluding the TRNC (including those who completed their entire secondary education (high school) in Turkish schools opened by the Ministry of National Education outside the TRNC),
2) Turkish citizens who started secondary education abroad after 01.02.2013, completing their entire secondary education (high school) in a foreign country excluding the TRNC (including those who completed their entire secondary education (high school) in Turkish schools opened by the Ministry of National Education outside the TRNC), - Those with TRNC citizenship; with residence in the TRNC and completing their secondary education
(high school) in the TRNC and having GCE AL exam results, as well as those who registered and
received education in colleges and high schools in other countries between 2005-2010, obtaining or will obtain GCE AL exam results, their applications will be accepted.
Candidates whose application will not be accepted:
- Those who are citizens of the Republic of Turkey and have completed their entire secondary education (high school) in Turkey or the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (TRNC),
- Citizens of the TRNC, except those who have completed their entire secondary education (high school) in TRNC schools and have GCE AL results or those who enrolled in and received education from other countries’ colleges and high schools between 2005 and 2010 and have or will have GCE AL results,
- Individuals defined in IZTECH Undergraduate Programs International Student Admission and Education Directive Article 7, paragraph 1, subparagraph b, as dual nationals born with Turkish citizenship as their first nationality (excluding those who completed their entire secondary education (high school) in a foreign country outside TRNC or those who completed their entire secondary education (high school) in Turkish schools in a foreign country),
- Dual nationals with one nationality being TRNC (excluding those who completed their entire secondary education (high school) in TRNC schools and have GCE AL results or those who enrolled in
and received education from other countries’ colleges and high schools between 2005 and 2010 and have or will have GCE AL results), - Citizens of the Republic of Turkey or those defined in paragraph 1, subparagraph b, as dual nationals
born with Turkish citizenship as their first nationality who are studying in schools under the embassies in Turkey and foreign schools in Turkey, - Citizens of the TRNC and individuals who renounced Turkish citizenship/Mavi Kart holders along with foreign nationals who will enroll in secondary education institutions in Turkey from the 2022-2023 academic year onwards (excluding foreign nationals brought to our country under projects run by embassies, international private educational institutions in the MOBIS system, and the Ministry of National Education)
- Individuals who have received expulsion penalties from a higher education institution in Turkey will
not have their applications accepted.
Evaluation of Applications
The placement process by the committee is carried out taking into account the priority countries, as follows:
- Evaluation list is created by ranking TR-YÖS scores from highest to lowest.
- Placement starts with the highest-scoring candidate. The candidate is first tried to be placed in their 1st preference, and if the quota for the chosen department is full, the subsequent preferences are tried sequentially.
- If the quotas for all 3 preferences of the candidate are full, the candidate cannot be placed.
- In the case of equal scores among candidates;
1.Firstly, the preference order is considered.
2.If the equality persists, priority is given to the candidate with a higher overall grade point average (on a scale of 100),
3. If the equality persists, priority is given to the younger candidate for placement. - One quota in each program is allocated to the priority country. The number of foreign national students of the same nationality accepted to a program cannot exceed 20% of the announced quota for foreign national students in that program. If the quota of the relevant program is not filled, candidates are placed without considering this rule
- Placements for TRNC national candidates who meet the conditions in the Izmir Institute of Technology Undergraduate Programs International Student Admission and Education Directive;
1.Placements for candidates from TRNC applying with the condition of the GCE AL exam will only be made if they achieve an A* grade in the Mathematics exam of the GCE AL.
2.The scores of the candidate in other subjects of GCE AL or the TR-YÖS exam will not be taken into consideration during the evaluation of the application.
3.In the placement process, the candidate is first attempted to be placed in their 1st preference, and if the quota for the chosen department is full, the subsequent preferences are tried sequentially.
4.If the quotas for all 3 preferences of the candidate are full, the candidate cannot be placed. In the case of candidates choosing the same department, the preference order is considered first. If the equality persists, priority is given to the candidate with a higher overall grade point average (on a scale of 100). If the equality persists, priority is given to the younger candidate for placement. - The main and alternate candidates are determined among the candidates in the number of quotas.
Language of Instruction
All courses at all faculties at IZTECH is 100% English.
Students have the chance to study English for a preparatory year at IZTECH.
Preparatory class exemption conditions for International Undergraduate Students
– SBS (English Proficiency Exam) of the School of Foreign Languages of IZTECH can be performed in single or multi-stage. The method of application of this exam is decided by the Directorate of the School of Foreign Languages of IZTECH. Please click here for IZTECH Preparatory Class Exemption Conditions
Tuition Fees
2024-2025 Academic Year Tuition Fee (TL) | Fall Semester | Spring Semester | Annual Fee |
Faculty of Science | 50000 TL | 50000 TL | 100000 TL |
Faculty of Architecture | 60000 TL | 60000 TL | 120000 TL |
Faculty of Engineering | 60000 TL | 60000 TL | 120000 TL |
IZTECH Undergraduate Programs International Student Admission and Education Directive
Please click here for IZTECH Undergraduate Programs International Student Admission and Education Directive.
E-mail for inquiries about the application: io-student@iyte.edu.tr
Questions about the applications to undergraduate programs will be answered between the hours of 10:00-11:00 (GMT+3) and 15:00-16:00 (GMT+3) from the phone numbers +90-232-750 7889 / +90-232-750 7897 / +90-232-750 7899.
Website: https://uio.iyte.edu.tr/en/home-page/
Address: Izmir Institute of Technology International Office Gülbahçe Urla-İZMİR